Ten .. nine .. eight.. seven.. six.. five.. four.. three.. two.. one!

Ten .. nine .. eight.. seven.. six.. five.. four.. three.. two.. one!

Ten .. nine .. eight.. seven.. six.. five.. four.. three.. two.. one!

This is what you do, every day of your life. The Universe comes!  God, comes!  Knocks on your door, gives you an opportunity, everyday – and says, ‘’Take off! ‘’

Nature does its reverse counting and you never hear it. You choose not to hear it. You never move and you never take off.  And so, your spaceship is stuck right where it – is at the base, and you know why?  Because; you haven’t come face to face with your own self to start with.

Because, you don’t even know what you are good at, why you are here? And, how you will get to where you want to get to?  I want you to know that every human being is blessed with a gift.  In lay man terms, it’s called God Gift – because it was planted inside you by God, before you were born. Between you were born and until you die, is the only period to unfold this precious gift.

Everybody will be born and everybody has to die. What did you do in between? Did you sing that song in your heart or not?

There are only two varieties of people in this world.              

The Victor and The Victim.

The Victor wakes up every morning and gets going! His name is mentioned in the Forbes list, his name is mentioned in History and he does something about his dream, about his inner capabilities, about his potential, everyday – every single day!

The Victim just sits around grumbling, complaining and expecting success to fall into his lap. It’s never happened! And then, he blames himself, he blames his neighbours, he blames his parents, he blames everything, but takes no responsibility for his own life.

So, I am saying to you wake up! Wake Up the Gaint Within yourself! Understand that you are unique, understand that you have huge power inside you, understand that you are not even using one percent of the ability, energy and time, granted to you and what you can do, when you do something about it, is beyond imagination!

Will you choose to be a Victor or a Victim?


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