Okay! On this wonderful first day of the monsoon, I extend a nice wet and lush green salute to all of you!   So, as the fury of marks and results slowly subsides, I want to tell you two things today. One, it doesn’t really matter that you didn’t top. I told you the other day, that the difference between the topper and the second person is very little 0.1 or 0.2 or 1. It is absolutely in significant in the larger race of life.

 So, you have to distinguish today between two words, Success and Failure, And I don’t use the word Failure too much. I feel that Fail is a dirty four-letter word and never, never, never use it for my students!  I use it only in one context in life, and that is, to not do, what you are really meant to do. Which means, to be here in life to have been sent into the world, for a purpose which everybody has been.  From the ant to the dinosaur, and  every human being, not to have found it, not to have come to know yourself, and not to have fulfilled that purpose. So if you’ve not done that, then I use that word fail, only in that context. And, I’m saying to you must not allow yourself to fail in that regard. You’ve been sent here for a purpose, you’ve been given some strengths, recognize them. Yes, you’re good at something, and not good at other things. If you do not get good marks you’re responsible, if you get good marks, you’re responsible. So, if you slogged and you got good marks it’s because the right results followed, right actions. If you did not, work hard every day you did not take the right action!                 The formula is that simple. It applies to all of life.

 Now, let me tell you a very short story I love and I laughed, the first time I heard it. It’s about a man who was told that if he went 100 miles North, he would be given an appointment, which would make his life prosperous, healthy and happy forever and he had to reach there in four hours. He was given a car and just the right quantity of fuel, just the right kind of food and all he had to do was to go straight to that place 100 miles North and you know what he did? Exactly! what most of us do. He chose to go first 15 miles South and then 40 miles East and then 50 miles West and by the time he reached 100 miles North where his appointment with destiny was waiting, it was too late!

That’s what I mean with right actions bringing the right results. If we are not doing well in life if you are not getting what you want, don’t blame God, don’t blame your neighbours, don’t blame the system, don’t blame your parents, don’t blame your spouse. Examine yourself! you just are not taking the right action in the right direction.

 Truly, you really have to work hard to fail. Success is easy!


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