Legally, stealing is a sin. Robbery is a sin. Adultery is a sin. According to the law, there are several hundred crimes for which one is punished. And I am telling you, in God’s world, in the spiritual realm, there are bigger sins that you commit and you are punished for them, here and now. You know what those sins are?

  1. Not knowing yourself. Particularly, your unique strengths.
  2. Not finding your Purpose. And every human being is born for a Purpose.  
  3. Not developing Passion for your Purpose.
  4. Not working hard, Perspiring for that Purpose. And not making life Prosperous for yourself. And above all, of contributing in some way, towards the upliftment of others. 

Complicated as it might sound to you, and I am saying, “It is the simplest law in the Universe!!”



I have the 6P formula to share with you. Which is:

Potential, Purpose, Perspiration, Passion, Providence, Prosperity.

And, this is how it works with my Students:

First, empower them to come to know themselves and find their Potential. From that is born a Purpose, for which they must strive with Passion, put in the right kind of  hard work, as Perspiration to lead to that one ultimate duty, every human being has – creating Prosperity!

Prosperity implies, making life Prosperous for yourself and others. And my definition for Prosperity is a combination of material achievement + impact, making life better for others and the world around you. The 6th P is invisible – Providence, to remain in the Universal energy, or God, as you call it, through prayer and meditation.  

The outcome of my 6P formula is phenomenal! Amazing results have come in the lives of those who have adopted it.

If you are not making the effort, taking the responsibility to be happy and fulfilled, you are committing the biggest sin. You are a sinner!  You are a culprit to yourself and your loved ones. You have nobody else to blame. And, nobody else is responsible for your life.

You will have to take charge of your own life!


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