The one thing my Students have stopped saying in front of me is : ‘’ I am bored’’ or “We are bored”, because whenever anyone around me says ‘’ I am bored,”  I tell them “you are not bored, you are boring!” When you point one finger here , four are pointing towards you. You have created this boredom , you are responsible for it. Don’t blame anyone else .

So my advice to you is, whenever you are feeling bored, you are not bored , you are boring , you are boring your own self.

And, two tips to deal with what you call being bored  are:

  1. Take the responsibility; whether you are bored or you are thrilled, you alone are  responsible!
  2. Do what you like to do; it is very simple , everybody has a Passion. Even if it’s just sitting and staring at the Sky, for heaven’s sake, do what you like to do! Boredom will vanish!  Be careful; if you are not doing this, you will become boring and you will feel bored and you will be responsible for your own actions . Take responsibility and stay thrilled.

Good Luck!


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