This morning, a student asked: “Sir, can you please guide us about what to do in  our future? We have finished our studies , we have got degrees and we are not doing anything and we are just wasting our time. How do we utilize our time?”

 And, I said to her,  this is a standard problem and this is not anything new. In the past, in history,  it might  have  happened to your father, to his father, to his father, to your mother, her mother,  her mother.

The solution is simple.  Please understand.  It’s a question of Motivation and the word Motivation is derived from the word Motive , Motive means Objective , Purpose, Intention. There was a wonderful genius called  E. N. GREY , who worked on a beautiful study and  called it ‘’The Common Denominator of Success.’’

I really love that work. Now, in that,  he has made many points,  but one of the main points he had said is  that ‘Purpose is the engine of life. Without Purpose,  you are like a chassis, a body, a vehicle without an engine . The engine that makes you go is your Purpose. Motive breeds Motivation, Purpose makes you go. And my response to my Student was :

You must have a Purpose. All of us, each of us, 20 years old , 80 years old , 60 years old, have to have a clear Purpose, if you don’t have a long one, just plan the next day well,  from the moment you get up, until the moment you sleep . Whether you are going to the market to buy vegetables or a pair of shoes or groceries or just getting up to read a book.

Tip #1 :  Start planning the next day and deal with it purposefully.

If you understand what I have told you about purpose being the engine of your life, you will realize its value. You must see a future.  Then only will the future see you.  If you are not  seeing  a future, the future is not seeing you either. Please. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones, your dear and near ones , to carve a future!  

 Tip #2 , See your future and work towards it . Whatever it may be, your future , you have to carve  it .

You know, the word present does not relate to this moment only . The word present also means –  a gift.  The present is a gift, to you . The way you deal with your present is the way the future will be born.  Because, tomorrow will be born from today. What you do today, is what tomorrow will be.  If you are wasting time today, time will waste you tomorrow. Utilize time , this moment is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.

And, remember:

  1. Motivation comes from motive.
  2. Without a purpose, you are like a chassis without an engine.
  3. Treat your present well, with passion, with love, with attention and your present will take you to a beautiful future .

Good luck!   

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