If you think life will be one straight, smooth graph, drawn on a slab of butter, you are sadly mistaken! Then, you may as well, lock yourself up in an incubator and wait to grow 80 years old and leave the world.
If you are alive, you are a part of the world and the world is a part of you. Then, remember, disappointments will come.
Disappointment is a major issue with all of us, without exception.
And disappointments have to and do come in our lives.
The question is, How to deal with disappointments?
The first thing we need to do is, to understand disappointments. And I am saying to you, a very simple truth. Examine this. The next time you feel disappointed, go down to the depth of that disappointment and see that your disappointment is based on the foundation called EXPECTATION, especially from other people.
If you stop expecting from other people, what you want them to do, what you think is right, the way you want them to behave, disappointment will be routed by at least eighty percent.
So, first, it’s a very simple fact, Disappointments are a part of life. All of us have to face them. To understand why they happen. And I’m saying they happen mainly because of expectations. Three, stop expecting. Honestly, not impossible, difficult, but not impossible. The moment you feel the next wave of disappointment, going through you, see. Be expectation will be the root cause. Cut it out. Accept people as they are. Be a little chilled out, if you can and just let life be the way it is, without struggling to change it too much. You’ll feel less disappointed and move at ease.
Good luck.